Previews & Samples

Sample photos from all the sets in the Members Lounge

This page lists all of our current live photosets, including full information on the mumber of shots in each set. Note these aren't hand picked "best of" shots, just the 3rd, 9th, 15th, 60th, 90th and 150th shots from each set, to give you a true idea of what you'll find in our members' area.

The first two shots are clickable to give the full-size high-res image, generally these will be clean "before" shots in most sets, the others are also clickable to our standard 800 x 600 free sample size - the images in the Members Lounge are all the same size as the first two images here.

  • gm-3m003: "Getting deliciously squishy and wet!" Added 2025-03-11, 121 photos, 434M disk space

    Videos included:

    • gm-3m003-v1 (15 minutes, 40 seconds)

    Click here for the availability of this set

    Rosemary Denim Jumpsuit Mudbath

    Getting deliciously squishy and wet!

    Wearing a fashionable blue denim wide-leg jumpsuit and sockless white trainers, Rosemary enters the mudbanks for a fun mud wallow and romp.

    She sits in the mud and spins round, drenching the bum of her suit in mud, then stands up to show off the damage before enjoying a happy afternoon of playing, sliding, rolling in, and getting utterly coated and covered in wonderful liquid riverbank clay.

    Rosemary gets utterly drenched in mud including a full mud shampoo, and enjoys every minute of her mudding.

  • gm-4w034: "Lucia wades deep into the river in a boilersuits and boots" Added 2025-02-25, 33 photos, 120M disk space

    Videos included:

    • gm-4w034-v1 (14 minutes, 07 seconds)

    Click here for the availability of this set

    Lucia's Boilersuit River Bath

    Lucia wades deep into the river in a boilersuits and boots

    It's time for a cold-water soaking for Lucia! Dressed in a royal blue boilersuit and chunky black wellies, she wades into the river by the viaduct, first soaking herself to the waist, walking back out so we can watch her drenched bottom and legs emerge from the water, then wading back in and soaking herself completely before going for a swim and exploring the water.

    She swims, wades, paddles, and explores the locatio, really showing off her soaked, figure-hugging suit every time she emerges from the water. Eventually she wades back up onto the pebble bank where she started, and poses, absolutely dripping wet through.

  • gm-4m051: "Miss Abigail takes a spectacular mudbath in a tight fitting coated denim jumpsuit" Added 2025-02-11, 252 photos, 935M disk space

    Videos included:

    • gm-4m051-v1 (13 minutes, 57 seconds)
    • gm-4m051-v2 (04 minutes, 52 seconds)

    Click here for the availability of this set

    Coated Denim Coated In Mud

    Miss Abigail takes a spectacular mudbath in a tight fitting coated denim jumpsuit

    Miss Abigail takes a glorious fully clothed mud bath and really throws herself into the mud!

    Dressed in a very sexy tight fitting, short sleeved, black coated-denim high fashion boilersuit, with transparent pink-heeled boots, she first wades through one of the gullies on her knees, covering the legs of her suit up to her thighs in mud. Then she goes back round to where she started, takes a run at it, and tries to do a rock-star knee slide down into the mud - except of course her knees get stuck as the ground gets softer and she does a glorious forward belly-flop straight into the lake of liquid mud at the bottom of the gully, totally covering the front of her suit in mud and even getting some on her face, rather earlier in the scene than we'd usually do.

    From lying on her front Miss Abigail then rolls over, pretty much completely covering her lovely jumpsuit in liquid mud, and then spends a happy time rolling and crawling in the mud, making sure she's utterly drenched. After a while she gives her vibrant red hair a thorough mud shampoo, and completely coveres her face in mud too.

    Eventuially it's time to get clean, and she slides down from the gully to the river in a waterfall of liquid mud, enters the water and washes herself and her suit mostly clean in the muddy river.

    With this scene you get the main muddy video, a separate wash-off video with Miss Abigail going into the river and cleaning off, plus a high resolution photoset shot at the same time as the mud video.

    Miss Abigail really likes the mud!

  • gm-4h015: "Honeysuckle and Charity hose each other down after a day on the mudbanks" Added 2025-01-28, 122 photos, 451M disk space

    Videos included:

    • gm-4h015-v1 (08 minutes, 30 seconds)

    Click here for the availability of this set

    Tracksuit Hairwash

    Honeysuckle and Charity hose each other down after a day on the mudbanks

    Honeysuckle and Charity have returned to the hall from Charity's first ever day at the mudbanks, and though they did a rough wash-off in the river, now it's time to get properly clean, while still wearing the clothes they travelled back in. They're similarly dressed, Charity wears a dark blue tracksuit over a black swimsuit, with blue and white stripy wellies, while Honeysuckle wears a royal blue tracksuit, also over a black swimsuit, and green wellies. And now they're going to drench each other!

    Charity gets wet first, as Honeysuckle has her unzip her jacket, and then sticks the running warm water hose down inside Charity's swimsuit so the water floods down her front and soaks into and throgh her track pants, soaking them completely. After a few minutes Charity gets the hang of this, and decides to return the favour. Honeysuckle obediently unzips her own tracksuit jacket and takes her turn having the hose put down her swimsuit, her brighter blue tracksuit trousers really showing the colour change as the water floods down inside them.

    They continue taking turns back and forth until they are completely drenched front and back, inclding their jackets, then the jackets come off and they wash each other's hair while dressed in just their swimsuits and track pants. They each shampoo, rinse off, and then apply conditioner, before standing together in soaking wet clothes, the hose playing over their fronts.

  • gm-4w040: "Miss Abigail gets drenched in a festival outfit" Added 2025-01-21, 198 photos, 646M disk space

    Videos included:

    • gm-4w040-v1 (15 minutes, 09 seconds)

    Click here for the availability of this set

    Denim Shorts in the Dungeon Pool

    Miss Abigail gets drenched in a festival outfit

    In the early Autumn of 2024, Fesatival Season is drawing to a close up on High Langstonedale, but Miss Abigail has found the perfect outfit for days of music in the sun, so she decides to water test it in the dungeon pool, even as the chill winds of the gathering dark howl round the housetops outside.

    Dressed in long cut-off denim shorts, a long sleeve white t-shirt, and wellies, she takes to the pool and gets totally soaked as the water rises around her. As well as sitting in the water she puts the hose down inside her shorts, sprays herself down all over, and ends up utterly drenched from head to toes.

  • gm-4m032: "Maude takes to the mud in swimsuit over leggings, and trainers" Added 2025-01-07, 229 photos, 786M disk space

    Videos included:

    • gm-4m032-v1 (14 minutes, 11 seconds)
    • gm-4m032-v2 (04 minutes, 38 seconds)

    Click here for the availability of this set

    Leotard and Leggings Mudbath

    Maude takes to the mud in swimsuit over leggings, and trainers

    Maude, wearing a blue and black swimsuit as a leotard, over some rather nice turquoise leggings, and blue trainers, takes to the Marsh House mudbanks and gets utterly drenched in mud.

    Her shoes get sucked off her feet almost as soon as she steps into the mud so for most of the scene she's barefoot. She sits down and slides into a deep gully of liquid mud, several times, crawling back out and up the bank again each time only to slide back into the gloop, getting muddier and muddier each time. Then she rolls over in the mud and drenches her entire outfit completely, before later on doing one of her trademark faceplants, and then fully mud shampooing her hair.

    Once the main mud scene is done she slides down the bank into the river and plunges fully under for a rough wash-off.

    Maude likes the mud!

  • gm-4w011: "Dressed in Dungarees, her ladyship washes boots, buckets, and herself, in the dungeon" Added 2024-12-24, 45 photos, 162M disk space

    Videos included:

    • gm-4w011-v1 (31 minutes, 57 seconds)

    Click here for the availability of this set

    Lady Jennifer Does The Washing

    Dressed in Dungarees, her ladyship washes boots, buckets, and herself, in the dungeon

    Dressed in blue denim dungarees over a blue swimsuit, Lady Jennifer tackles washing various pairs of messy boots, and buckets and tubs, in the dungeon. She sits with her bare feet in a large tub which fills with water around her as she works, and she frequently empties whatever she is washing down her front, getting utterly soaked in the process.

    If you enjoy watching a woman working while utterly soaking wet in denim and enjoying her sogginess, you will love this scene!

  • gm-4m053: "Honeysuckle and Charity take to the mudbanks" Added 2024-12-11, 186 photos, 685M disk space

    Videos included:

    • gm-4m053-v1 (18 minutes, 02 seconds)
    • gm-4m053-v2 (07 minutes, 30 seconds)

    Click here for the availability of this set

    Shiny Shorts Mudplay

    Honeysuckle and Charity take to the mudbanks

    Dressed in matching outfits, blue shiny sports shorts, dark blue polo shirts, Adidas light jackets, football socks, and trainers, Honeysuckle leads mud virgin Charity into the mudbanks, and introduces her to a whole new world of mud-drenched fun!

  • gm-4w031: "Maude and Charity get drenched in the river" Added 2024-11-26, 142 photos, 522M disk space

    Videos included:

    • gm-4w031-v1 (11 minutes, 16 seconds)

    Click here for the availability of this set

    Blue Denim at the Stone Bridge

    Maude and Charity get drenched in the river

    Maude, in tight high-waist jeans and a crop top, and Charity, in blue denim dungarees over a blue swimsuit, and both with converse-style basketball boots on, wade into the estate river at the old stone bridge, and get utterly soaking wet together!

    Two lovely girls, great wetting outfits that really show the change as they get soaked, and a whole lot of fun. Enjoy!

  • gm-4m042: "Fidelity and Miss Abigail go wild in rainwear" Added 2024-11-08, 63 photos, 211M disk space

    Videos included:

    • gm-4m042-v1 (18 minutes, 40 seconds)
    • gm-4m042-v2 (05 minutes, 35 seconds)

    Click here for the availability of this set

    Two Girl Waterproofs Mud Romp

    Fidelity and Miss Abigail go wild in rainwear

    Fidelity and Miss Abigail have come to the riverbanks for a mud romp. They're dressed in waterproofs, but they have no intention of staying clean or dry!

    Fidelity wears dark green flexothane dungarees, belted at the waist, over a gleaming white t-shirt, and green wellies. Miss Abigail wears a dark blue rainwear suit, jacket and trousers, over a white t-shirt, and with dark blue Hunter wellies. To start with Miss Abigail's jacket is zipped up, but before they enter the mud proper, Fidelity decides that her friend is far too protected for proper mudplay, and unzips her jacket for her, which Miss Abigail happily goes along with.

    They enter the mud slowly but are soon both kneeling in liquid mud to the tops of their legs, and from there the only way is mud, as they gradually drench themselves completely in soft, flowing, riverbank clay.

    By the end of the scene both girls are utterly covered and soaked in mud, including full mud shampoos for both of them, and those brand new white t-shirts will never be white again.

    As well as the main muddy scene you also get a separate river wash-off video, where both girls take to the water for a rough clean-up in the river, still wearing their mud-drenched outfits. There is also a small high-res photoset.

  • On to Page 2

The Langstonedale Portrait Gallery

Click an image for details of the set it is from, click a character's name to read her profile. Note that some of the sets shown in this column are only available in the download store, click the pictures to see more samples from that set and details of how you can obtain it.

Saturation Hall and The Langstonedale Estate are trading names of Pyromancer Limited, Registered in England No 09354513, VAT Number 202 0977 40. © 2005 - 2025


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