Videos included in this download:
The basic black bondage mini-dress. Just about every girl who hung out on the Alternative scene over the last 25 years had one of these, a chunky zip-front denim mini-dress, nicely tailored to fit their figures, and bedecked with D-rings and eyelets, all designed to inspire BDSM thoughts. They look stunning on, long term followers may remember Chastity got thoroughly custardised in her own one by Willomina Worry some years back.
And now Purity has decided to demonstrated their wetlook potential, as being denim, one of these dresses will in fact wet beautifully when worn into a nice dungeon bath.
Purity teases us, wetting her dress little by little as she gradually lowers herself further into the water. Her shiny tight leggings are soon soaked but she takes her time drenching her dress, although eventually she completely submerges it, and plays in the water, utterly soaking wet. She knows how to pose to best effect too, really showing off her figure, front and back, as she carefully and thoroughly soaks herself, fully clothed, in the pool.
Purity likes getting wet!